I got my first job working in White Plains through the Youth Bureau. Back then, in the 90’s, there was a role called Guy/Gal Friday. It was basically an administrative assistant position. I began my official career as high school teenager at Finger and Finger Law Offices. After heading off to college and returning to NY, I began volunteering at the Youth Bureau working with the White Plains Cares Coalition – a group of WP residents that worked to created environmental strategies to deter youth from alcohol and substance abuse.
I became an employee thereafter and worked under the direction of Frank Williams and the vast array of programming my colleagues and I facilitated to help the city’s youth. In my tenure I have worked as executive assistant to the President of the Tea Association of the USA based in NYC before becoming the Dean of Students at Indiana Bible College in Indianapolis. For two years I served in that capacity before becoming the Director of Marketing for the Youth Division of the United Pentecostal Church International based in St. Louis, MO. After working five years in that role, our family and a small team came and launched Authentic Church in White Plains, NY. This church plant was coupled with bi-vocational work as a Program Director for the White Plains Cares Coalition – an initiative facilitated under the auspices of the White Plains Youth Bureau.
As I entered into full time ministry, I’ve retained my support of the Youth Bureau by holding positions on the Friends of the White Plains Youth Bureau which raises funds to equip the Youth Bureau to do its great work!